Saturday, June 16, 2018

Saipan Seaside Escape (aka Ladies Retreat)

My Saipan vacation has ended and the work began.  Today was the all day women's retreat called "Seaside Escape: Where Women Bask in God's Presence."  There were eleven of us, and we had a great day!  Helen Ann's (the pastor's wife) goal was to have ten women, and we surpassed that goal by one!  Even crazier, of the eleven, three of us were named Laura!  That hasn't happened since seventh grade when we had three Laura's at Byng that year in my class.

Sometimes I come in and wonder...."are all the hours I spend traveling all the money spent I actually make a difference....???"  Today so many of the ladies thanked me for coming and shared how this day away was exactly what they needed.  They had meaningful discussion and time of prayer.  They seemed to enjoy all of our activities.  Days like today assure me that "YES, it is worth it!"  (Actually, every part of this summer's ministry has been an assurance of time and money well spent...EVEN though I have to fly...a lot!)

Perry and I are tired.  In fact, Perry is already laying flat beside me. (Though he always sleeps with his eyes open.  Actually, the more I think about it, I don't think Perry can actually close his eyes.)  So, I leave you with some pics of today's retreat.  Tomorrow kicks off the two-day youth retreat!

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