Thursday, July 11, 2024

Lions and Tigers and Bunkers, oh my

Okay, there are no lions. No tigers. But there are certainly bunkers.  I'm constantly finding one I haven't seen before.  

I spent a lot of time at Obyan Beach this summer. The snorkeling is so amazing.  But it is also home to several bunkers. I don't think Perry had ever seen this one before. 

There's another one or two of these nearby in the jungle as well.  

Hey, at least those hiding in the bunkers had great views!

BUT LOOK WHAT I SAW FOR THE FIRST TIME. (Nevermind, I don't see the picture now.  Picture a giant hole.  It's been concreted.  Probably 8 foot deep, 4' x 4' diameter) Seriously, I could have died in that thing.  I just randomly stumbled upon the hole on my path to the beach. (I parked at the other end on this particular trip because there were people at the beach--the nerve.)

Different place, but here's one of those examples of finding bunkers I had never seen before. Like this one down in Garapan on the beach.

Fear not if we go to war. Look at all the places I can hide. :)

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