Sunday, June 15, 2014

Breakfast of Champions

Perry was so excited for his island breakfast!  Island breakfast staples are hotdog (yes, I know I left off the "s" after use my plural they only say hotdog), SPAM, and rice.  Personally, I had been craving SPAM-fried-rice for a few months now.  I may have to go to Shirley's (think Denny's) and order it!
When I lived in Guam, I was a school counselor at an elementary school.  The school was considered "south" Guam where the "locals" live.  I was the only haole (white person) in the entire school. We are talking 700 students, faculty, and staff.  The teachers were always cooking in their classrooms...breakfast AND lunch.  I ate a lot of SPAM fried rice during those days.

Speaking of SPAM, I learned tonight that probably many of you didn't know there are multiple flavors of SPAM.  Here is a picture of the K-mart collection which is probably a lot less than the island grocery stores. I am making it a big picture so you can read that there are flavors such as Jalapeno, Garlic, Teryaki, Black Pepper (which is probably one of my favorites), etc.

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