Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Sandwich that was Never Had.

Guam has a lot of legends and stories.  One legend is about a girl named Sirena.  In this legend, Sirena is out swimming in the river instead of doing her chores at home.  Her mother gets upset with her and curses her, turning her into a mermaid.  Her mother does later regret her actions, but the curse couldn't be reversed.  Many stories are told of people seeing her at sea.

Since it is such a popular legend, there are several things named after Sirena---including the fish sandwich at JanZs.  Today, I met up with a college friend's girlfriend who is visiting island for a week for her brother's wedding.  I thought I would take her to JanZ's because it is a cool place to go (on the water at the marina) and because I really wanted a Sirena.  (Sandwich. Not the mermaid.) JanZs is a far drive.  On the way, we passed the Container McDonald's.

Yes, this is a real working McDonald's. Yes, it is in a container.  Yes, it does serve SPAM for breakfast.

On my adventure we also pass some big guns.

And finally we make it to JanZs.  I got this sick feeling in my stomach (well, mostly hunger pains) as well pulled in and there were zero cars in the parking lot. Then we did a drive by of the restaurant and there were no tables and chairs inside!  My lovely Sirena, I shall never eat you again. (Sandwich. Not mermaid.)

We ended up settling for a Thai place and then went snorkeling. Sadly, I can't show you pics of our snorkeling trip since that was where I was robbed two years ago. (See blog in July, 2012).  But if you are curious, the fish and corals were beautiful!

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