It was time for Perry and me to hop over to Guam for a few weeks. With a youth retreat kicking off this weekend and VBS next week, there was work to be done! I'd been watching flights for a few days and knew Monday was "the" day to get to Guam. I decided on the 6:00pm flight so my ride wouldn't have to stay up late for me. Getting on that flight was a bit iffy, but if I didn't make it, the next flight (9:50pm) was wide open.
After going through TSA, I entered the main portion of the airport and nearly gasped Someone (between the last five million times I've been through Saipan and this time) either 1) decided to start using the air con 2) fixed the air con or 3) purchased a new aircon. WOW, it was COLD! I was not prepared for this since, typically, I am very hot in the Saipan airport. I had wet hair, which made things worse. I had on a short sleeve shirt, a knee length skirt, and sandals. Sadly, the normal boy scout of flying was caught unprepared. At the last minute, I decided to check one of my carry-ons. (I'm not guaranteed a seat, but I can check two, 70lb bags!) And in that now checked carry-on was my jacket.
Since they would probably be boarding in an hour, I wasn't too concerned. I could managed. Plus, I had television (CNN-Asia) for the first time since I left Oklahoma so I could catch up on the news.
Of course, the one time I'm freezing, the incoming plane would be about 30 minutes late. Finally, they started calling people to get to the boarding area. I made my way closer in case I got a boarding pass. Eventually, a guy came over..."Miss Smith?" (Just because I was the only white girl in the building, he assumed I was "Smith"?) Who cares....I had a boarded pass. Seat 1C.
I went to sit in the boarding area, and realized after a few minutes something wasn't right. Why aren't we boarding???
An airline representative announced there was a mechanical issue and the flight would be delayed 3hrs 50mins. I HAD TO SPEND ANOTHER 4 HOURS IN THIS FREEZER! I WAS GOING TO DIE! (There was also concern that they wouldn't get the plane fixed and instead fly only one flight to Guam that which case I was doomed.)
I was trying to gather information whether they would indeed fly two planes or whether they would only fly one. (Our flight was rescheduled for the same time as the next flight, so it seemed a bit doubtful they were flying two planes.) No one had a definite answer, so suffer I must. While gathering no information, I overheard a French lady saying she'd rather the plane be fixed then crash in the ocean. (Really? She had to say that?) I decided to leave the boarding area to try to find a warmer spot in the airport. But everywhere I went the French Lady was there too. She saw the pilots come through and began drilling them about the issue, so I found a means of escape and bolted to the other side of the airport. Fear not, the Crazy French Lady found me.
Since many passengers were missing a connecting flight, they brought up snacks while they could process food vouchers for everyone (well, everyone except me). I couldn't believe it when the guy came to me, "Miss Smith, though we can't give you a food voucher, you are welcome to have a snack." I was shocked! I actually got a bottle of water and a can of Pringles! (The crazy French lady decided she was going to save her can of Pringles as a souvenir.)
The cold continued to build. So while Crazy French Lady was off spending her $10 food voucher at the one "cafe" in the airport, I worked on a way to stay warm.
I shoved part of my legs in my backpack and then used my neck pillow to cover the exposed section of my leg. I scooted my Bible out to cover any remaining skin not covered.
Then I saw this guy. I considered mugging him for his coat...
Well, they did fly both planes. (It was a radio issue in case you were wondering). I ended up making it to Guam about 11pm and was in the house about 11:30pm.
And so you have a face to go with the Crazy French she is...
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