Monday, August 5, 2013

BAND--Car Wash--Date Change

Due to a conflict at Ada Ford, they have moved our Car Wash to August 24th.  Please make that change on your calendars.

Friday, August 2, 2013


Put Mamma Smitty and her Brother Smitty together and what do you get?  Bubbles in a hot tub.  Not those kind of bubbles...suds...from soap.  We left our parents at his house and went to the neighbor's hot tub who surprisingly went for the idea.  Should we do this on the next band trip? Uhhhh, maybe not.  It's probably best we don't get kicked out of any hotels. I'd hate to be the Harvard band of Oklahoma.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Curse of the August First

I just emailed a friend (who is probably one of only 5 blog readers) and that was the title of his email.  I decided it was such a good title that I should use it as a post.  One year ago was the dreaded kidney stone incident #1.  Today, I fear I could possible have an infection in my leg.  I had a few skin doodads removed on Tuesday...this one bled so much, I could have donated blood.  As of today, there is a large circle around it that it red, inflamed, hot to the touch, and brother says it looks like a recent staph infection he had.  So probably while I type, my leg is going to rot off and I won't be able to march along with you guys and I'll have to get a motorized cart since I'll have one leg and you'll all make fun of me and the other band directors will make fun of me and..... I decided that I couldn't possible make that run on sentence any longer.

As I type, I'm texting another friend.  She replied "Ohhhh my! Legs frequently do fall off in the night due to rotting...something about the lack of sunlight to hinder the rot process."  

Well, there you have it folks.  Your favorite band director may be succumbing to another strange ailment that only I could get.  Or perhaps this is a perfectly normal side affect of the freezing/burning process of skin. (But the spot on my nose doesn't look anything like the one on my leg.)  If I end up with one leg, I suppose I can dress like a pirate and become the school's new mascot.

If you're a student, see you in five days.  If you live in Micronesia, see you in 10 months. If you are my cousin Kent that I trust reads this from time to time see you Christmas (or Thanksgiving or Labor Day or the last weekend of September when I come for the Beth Moore conference or....).  If you are Susan, I have no idea when I'll see you, but I really should visit or you visit here!  And if you are Adam, maybe this year the bowl schedule will hit when you are at home visiting your family and the game is in TX...or there is cowboy basketball.  And to the rest of the world...I had no idea you are reading, but I'm glad you do.  And to that strange sensation I feel in my leg, please don't be my leg rotting off.