Monday, November 4, 2013

Happy Halloween!

 It was a spooky day in Thursday's Halloween Rehearsal.   Guys, you are required to shave before the court show.

I must admit, that I'm curious to what Kai, Michael, Eric, and Andrew are looking at...hmmmm....And C-baby is certainly acting like himself.

Band gang sign

While in Lawton with the color guard,  what do we find as a decorative piece in our hotel room? A statue of the band gang sign! (F#\ b-natural)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Curse of the Byng Band

This year started out like any other year.  Band Camp. Iron Man. Swim Party.  And then...something dark and mysterious came upon the Byng High School Band. Okay. It wasn't so dark, nor mysterious.  Most of the world just calls it rain. I call it---"The Curse of the Byng Band."

State Fair Parade--RAIN
ECU Homecoming Parade--RAIN
Annual Hamburger Fry--RAIN (& cold)

Today was like any other Hamburger Fry day.  We try to squeeze one more jazz rehearsal in and 1/3 of the band was late, so I get cranky and yell at people.  (Am I so much a freak that I can only recall once in my life that I was ever late?  I was 16 and in England.  I'm not sure if it was pure exhaustion or inability to set my alarm.  But I got a "wake-up" call one morning that the entire orchestra was on the bus....except for me. Oops.)  Back to the curse....

Then I force the next there classes to free labor.  (Just be glad you weren't on ice chest clean up duty! Neither was I. I let Mr. Farris head up that department.)  Eventually, 11:00 comes around and I realize we are still short on cheese and desserts.  (Dear Sarah J. & Nathan--I doubt you read this, but if you did, you would know that we have never, ever, ever had as much cheese as the year we ate grilled cheese sandwiches for two months straight.)    I make one more frantic run to Walmart.  I almost ran over two people. I apologized and apologized.  I wonder if they just wrote me off as one of those crazy Walmart people or if they knew I was legitimately sorry for bringing near death to them?  And then...I drive home to make 13 dozen cookies & cupcakes.  I should open a bakery instead of the band room each morning.  Of course, they were "fake" cookies & cupcakes.  But for the record, I can bake real ones too.

Somehow, all of my blogs come back to my not-so-handy-dandy-radar.  Yes, I watched it today.  And for two hours it showed it was raining on top of us.  However, we at best had light mist.  So, THE moment I have you take chairs and stands outside, the real rain decides to come.  However, I have decided to look on the bright side of the rain....

1) Let's face it. The Hamburger Concert is always awful musicianship. Year after year, we fail to come through in a peak performance. Today, we blame it on the rain!

2) Since half of you have already lost your music, you'll get a nice, fresh copy for free and I'll never know that you didn't have your music (cough--cough--Cade).

3) Since we did our warm-ups indoors, you were given the opportunity to come up with that really strange hold-your-instruments-up-in-the-air-thing.

4.) Since Josh was cold, he decided that if he played faster he would stay warm. So finally, we were able to keep our jazz songs up to tempo. (Well, almost....but I have never in my life breathed such a sigh of relief! Except every time I touch down safely from a plane ride. Great job jazz band!)

5.) No one could do anything else since it was rainy and cold. Therefore, we had a record crowd and sold all but 3 of the 350 burgers!

I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of The Curse of the Byng Band.  But....if this rain turns to snow and I have to start canceling things, I will not be happy.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

ECU Homecoming Parade

Smitty would like to blame Andrea and Kai for today's little pre-parade episode.  It seems that they have jinxed us by their little comment (Andrea) and prayer (Kai) in regards to how fun it would be to march in the rain.  I think that we just might have rain for every outdoor event this year.  Thanks. Thanks alot. I'm now really looking forward to the Hamburger Fry Concert next week.

Today started out like any normal Saturday morning with a band event.  I sat two alarms (which I only do on band contest/concert days--or when I have an early flight to catch).  The first alarm wakes Perry and I up at 8:55 am.  Hey, we were sleepy because we couldn't fall asleep until about 2am.  I decided this would be a good morning for a warm bowl of steel cut oatmeal with butter and brown sugar.  As I began preparations for my breakfast, my second alarm went off. Perry reminded me that I always forget about the second alarm. I reminded him that's because I only set two alarms about 5 times a year.

At 10am we leave the house for the Byng Band room. Why, you ask, when our meeting place is in Ada? Because just as expected four people did not follow directions and get their instruments and uniform parts.  I later learn that the number is actually six because two others didn't have hats.  I planned ahead and had a few extra in my car.  I know how you people operate. While I'm waiting around for kids to show, I decided to check the radar for fun.  (I have a secret obsession with meteorology and often kick myself for not going in that field. However, I probably would have had to have gone to OU and we all know that would never happen. So band directing school it was.)

I got a good look at radar.  Everything was east of us and moving north east.  It was going to be a dry day!

And then....

Five minutes later it starts pouring outside!  Calls from Byng and Francis parents start pouring in.  Is the parade on? Do we still go to Ada? Are we marching today?  I check the radar again.  A random little storm had popped up over Byng.  However, I assure all the calls that it is moving northeast--away from Ada.  In fact, it wasn't even raining in Ada.  I start to leave, but the gutter starts flooding and the hail starts falling, so I decide to wait it out a bit.

Eventually, all dries up and I make my way to Ada. I was quite relieved that I didn't hit crazy traffic, road blocks, and found an easy parking spot in front of Ada Music Center!  The band begins to gather with a few little comments about the cold.  The ECU International Student Association gives us donuts and we LOVE them for it!  A few kids ask if I think it will rain. I assure them that all will be dry because the radar shows everything to be east of us and moving east!  It was going to be a great parade!


Out of no where...



The skies open and I yell run!

We all found a night little....LITTLE...awning across the road where we keep from getting struck by lightening.  And there we huddled.  I expressed my love for the band in case we were to die and apologized for all the times I yelled at them.  I, of course, immediately took back the yelling apology because I wasn't really sorry for that.  While we were gathered and huddled the drum major arrived bringing my first pumpkin spice latte of the year. She is immediately forgiven for being late. (Note to band: I can be bribed with food, drinks, money, and nice gifts.)

Eventually, the bank across the road opened a covered parking garage where we could spread out and dry off.    We finished preparing for the parade, played a warm-up, did some tuning, got yelled at by the cave man, and decided it was time to brave the mist outside.

To end a really long blog, the parade kicked off almost on time.  The band looked and sounded quite possibly the best we have ever looked or sounded in a parade!

And now, I'm in my warm cozy house trying to decide whether to brave the "cold' and head out to the ECU Football Game to watch all my former students as promised. But I can hear thunder and my not-so-trusty-radar shows rain headed our way.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A blog post

I'm doing a terrible job of blogging during the school year....again.  Perry needs to do something exciting.  Or I need to at least take him somewhere exciting.

In the mean time, here's the Cowboy Marching Band with former Byng Band member, Paige!  Hopefully I can get a recording of an ECU show so that you can see Ed, Blake, Gabby, Tommus, & Sarah.

Monday, August 5, 2013

BAND--Car Wash--Date Change

Due to a conflict at Ada Ford, they have moved our Car Wash to August 24th.  Please make that change on your calendars.

Friday, August 2, 2013


Put Mamma Smitty and her Brother Smitty together and what do you get?  Bubbles in a hot tub.  Not those kind of bubbles...suds...from soap.  We left our parents at his house and went to the neighbor's hot tub who surprisingly went for the idea.  Should we do this on the next band trip? Uhhhh, maybe not.  It's probably best we don't get kicked out of any hotels. I'd hate to be the Harvard band of Oklahoma.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Curse of the August First

I just emailed a friend (who is probably one of only 5 blog readers) and that was the title of his email.  I decided it was such a good title that I should use it as a post.  One year ago was the dreaded kidney stone incident #1.  Today, I fear I could possible have an infection in my leg.  I had a few skin doodads removed on Tuesday...this one bled so much, I could have donated blood.  As of today, there is a large circle around it that it red, inflamed, hot to the touch, and brother says it looks like a recent staph infection he had.  So probably while I type, my leg is going to rot off and I won't be able to march along with you guys and I'll have to get a motorized cart since I'll have one leg and you'll all make fun of me and the other band directors will make fun of me and..... I decided that I couldn't possible make that run on sentence any longer.

As I type, I'm texting another friend.  She replied "Ohhhh my! Legs frequently do fall off in the night due to rotting...something about the lack of sunlight to hinder the rot process."  

Well, there you have it folks.  Your favorite band director may be succumbing to another strange ailment that only I could get.  Or perhaps this is a perfectly normal side affect of the freezing/burning process of skin. (But the spot on my nose doesn't look anything like the one on my leg.)  If I end up with one leg, I suppose I can dress like a pirate and become the school's new mascot.

If you're a student, see you in five days.  If you live in Micronesia, see you in 10 months. If you are my cousin Kent that I trust reads this from time to time see you Christmas (or Thanksgiving or Labor Day or the last weekend of September when I come for the Beth Moore conference or....).  If you are Susan, I have no idea when I'll see you, but I really should visit or you visit here!  And if you are Adam, maybe this year the bowl schedule will hit when you are at home visiting your family and the game is in TX...or there is cowboy basketball.  And to the rest of the world...I had no idea you are reading, but I'm glad you do.  And to that strange sensation I feel in my leg, please don't be my leg rotting off.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Perry Here

I have hacked the blog. Why does Smitty do all the talking anyway?  I was wondering if anyone heard me mentioned today on Jeopardy.  Anyone?  Okay, so they didn't actually say Perry, but they said platypus from Phineas and Ferb.   And since I'm the only platypus on that show--or on television--they were obviously talking about me.

But the real reason I'm posting is you should have seen Smitty. She was excited getting question after question after question correct. She thought she was an extra dose of smart today. I couldn't break it to her that this was the children's edition and they were all about 12.  

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Hike to Nowhere...

Perhaps you recall this hike from last year.  It was a nice little trek down a mountain to Tarzan Falls with a nice LONG trek back up the mountain.

Well, this year the Guam youth wanted to go on a hike and choose this particular falls.  However, I don't think that group had been there nearly as many times as I had.  For example, they were a little unsure of the name of the hike.  They only knew it was marked by the following...
Shoes.  This is the sign that it is time to pull off the road and hike into the jungle.

However, on this particular morning it had been raining--make that pouring.  And the trail looked a little something like this.

Rain or not, we decided to hike.  However, they didn't realize you were suppose to stay left. We went right.  I mentioned once that we should go left, but I was told all trails lead to the same spot.  And since I wasn't in charge, I wasn't going to be bossy.
 UNTIL--we got about 45 minutes into the hike, several miles into the jungle in the OPPOSITE direction of the falls.  I then got a little bossy and suggested we just turn around. However, our hike to nowhere became absolutely hilarious.  People were slipping and sliding all over the mud.  No one could stand.  We weren't even sure which trail we came down to go back up.

Of course, the hike was all fun and games until we discovered the sword grass. (I still have the scratches all of my legs to prove it.)

And here is the end--digging the mud out of my shoes.

Eventually we all headed to Inarajan pools and jumped in for a swim--clothes, shoes, and all.  How else would we get the mud off?

Band Starts Soon

Oh my! BAND STARTS SOON!!!!  You know you are all excited.  My spies have shared a few FB posts about people being excited for band (Hunter & friends).  I also saw that no one has practiced. Shame on you.  Tonight I found out from another band parent that one of you thought band camp started today and was disappointed when you discovered otherwise.  I would like to believe that it is my awesome teaching, my brilliant personality, and your love for the art of instrumental music.  However, I'm no dummie.  You're just bored.  For those of you dreading the beginning of band, I promise to make it fun.  Perhaps we should throw water balloons at the trumpets....or....hide the drummer's sticks...or....shove Cade in a tuba case.

See you next week!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

To the jazz band...

As I was wasting my life away on pinterest this evening (in my defense, I DID fix a toilet, fix two shop doors, put up an electric fence, and pick a gallon of blackberries, so I think I deserved a break), do you realize we only have 4 months to come up with our homemade gift for the Jazz Band Christmas Party? I'd advise you to get started!

Friday, July 26, 2013


Until I can stay coherent long enough to post about a few of Perry's adventure that didn't make the blog earlier, here are a few famous folk that were in marching band....

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I'll Fly Away

The Saipan kids are having fun with music at VBS!

And more fun without the music...

I Might Go Hulk and Today's Adventures

It's hot. I haven't had air conditioning in days.  So, if one of you (talking to my band students here) complain about the heat in the 45 minutes we are outside marching, I just might go hulk on you and we will stay outside all day long. Why? Because I will be immune to the heat by the time I get home, and it won't even phase me.  

And now for today's adventure. I actually wanted to share yesterday's adventures, but it is on MaKenzie's camera so you'll have to get my adventures out of order.

First, we stopped by Sugar King park and did a little hiking as well as saw some remnants of the sugar cane industry which was prevalent before the war.

Smitty & Perry on what is left of the old steam engine.

We haven't completely mastered the English language yet.

Perry & Smitty headed in a cave.

Perry and Smitty sweating as we hike through the jungle.

Then we went swimming on an old US Tank that didn't make it to shore during WWII. I couldn't take pictures because it was very far in the water. I have taken pics before with friend's underwater camera, but I cannot seem to find them on my computer.  :(

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Perry likes to give me orders in the kitchen each day while I prepare VBS lunch.

American Memorial Park

Yesterday the plan was to swim out to some American tankers that didn't make it to shore during WWII and see American Memorial Park.  Sadly, it started to storm.  Lightening even, which is quite odd here. So, sadly, we had to skip swimming to the tanks and just go to the park.

The Battle of Saipan was a very bloody with over 27,000 human lives lost in the battle and another additional 5,000 to suicide off the cliffs. (This number may actually be higher--I may only be remembering casualties to the Japanese military and not including US and civilian.)

The American Memorial Park museum begins with a film sharing information about Saipan prior to the war as well as actually footage from WWII. (This is Ben, MaKenzie, and Perry watching the film. It is actually very dark in the theatre.)

The worst part of the film is near the end when they show civilians flinging themselves off cliffs--or even throwing their children off the cliffs first.  I think that they should leave this part out.

After the video you can go through the museum which focuses mostly on Saipan during the war.   Perry liked this part better than the video.

I had one picture of Perry that I had planned on getting, but I'm pretty sure that I set off an alarm when I placed Perry in the exhibit.  I think that signs should say more than "Don't touch the exhibit."  Perhaps, adding "or you will set off an alarm" would be a lot better for those trying to break the rules.

Monday, July 15, 2013

This WAS going to be the coolest post yet.

So yesterday, we trekked up to Mt. Topachau--the highest peak in Saipan.  We begin with this sign...

OBVIOUSLY, I haven't paid much attention to signs this year.  There was the No Trespassing sign on Dead Whale Day.  On the Grotto day, I had the Do Not Swim sign.  And now this.

Driving to the top was a little scary.  Though, I was fairly impressed with my driving abilities up the mountain. Seeing that it was such a crazy drive, I decided we'd video a segment on the way down.  Fail. I just got on to post it to the blog and it wasn't there. I'm very sad.  I'm sure you are very sad too.

Here's the view though. (It was a hazy day. I probably have better pictures on my computer from previous years.)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saipan Youth Retreat Sand Castle Contest

A couple of weeks ago we had the Saipan youth retreat.  I posted some pictures of the amazing sunset and rainbow, but I didn't share the sandcastle building contest photos--or Perry's new friend. So, here we go.

The sandcastle building contest was boys verses girls. I posted the pics on my facebook account for my friends to vote and the girls won by two votes.  Of course, you can decide for yourself.



And....Perry's new friend


Well, Perry had to stay home tonight and couldn't participate in smoothies and fruit juice drinks on the beach while watching the sunset.  Why? Because he is small enough to walk inside the fridge to keep cool and I just sweat.  It is so hot! I've seen you guys back home complaining about the heat.  And then I think, but they have air-conditioning.  When Perry gets hot, he just opens the fridge door and sits for a while.  But you know Smitty....she can't fit in a fridge. So as his punishment for rubbing it in that he keeps cool, he had to stay home and watch the dogs.  

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Grotto

Yesterday, my friend Josiah and I wanted to break MaKenzie in on her first day on island--and Josiah's last--The Grotto.

The grotto is kind of a cave that leads out to the ocean.  The giant rock you see in the 2nd picture is the rock you jump off of...but stay clear of the sides of the rock which is known as the "washing machine."  But once you get out from the rock it is as calm as can be.  Some mornings you can even see sea turtles swimming.  We just saw the normal--fish and divers.

I found this video on you-tube of some guys who were making the hike down the billions of stairs and around to the rocks.  Since I already lost one camera last summer, I'm stealing someone else's video so my camera (or should I parents' old camera) doesn't get stolen this year!


Perry has spent a lot of time in airports lately.  We even got lucky once (if you call missing a flight lucky) and got to spend a few hours in the United Club Lounge since I had a free pass.  Free internet...air conditioning.  Yes, Perry and I were living it up!

On our latest trip through the Guam airport, Perry decided to go exploring.  We found all kinds of contraptions to keep us these Chamorro items...

And we made a new friend who will be spending the last couple of weeks with us...MaKenzie!

Friday, July 5, 2013


On Tuesday night, I had the pleasure of staying at the hotel that you see in the first picture (with the rainbow above it) for our Saipan Youth Retreat.  It had rained ALL day long.  But when the rainy days clear about sunset, you know you'll get some spectacular sunsets.  We had all gone to the beach for an evening swim and jumping off the dock while we waiting on pizza.  We had a rainbow in one direction and the best sunset in the other direction. Everywhere we looked it was simply gorgeous.