Friday, August 3, 2012

Perry, My Hero

The following account is Smitty's kidney issues from Perry's point of view.

The night was like any normal Tuesday evening.  Smitty returned from Bible study and was settled into her house watching some Olympic activity.  I do recall Smitty getting angry at once of the announcers when they mentioned a female swimmer of age 29 was really too old to be a competitive threat.  (Smitty is still convinced that she can find an Olympic sport she isn't too old for.) 

Sometime after midnight, I heard Smitty thrashing around the bathroom.  She was somewhere between vomiting and trying to kill a scorpion.  I decided to be the gentleman that I am, and kill the deadly creature while Smitty focused on her toilet.  I knew Smitty was sick when about 30 minutes later she crawled into the living room for a phone and called her parents.  I learned this summer that Smitty likes to be alone when she's sick.  I couldn't imagine her wanting an audience. 

When her parents arrived about 10 minutes later, it was quickly decided that Smitty needed to go to the hospital.  I volunteered to drive.  Her parents declined the invitation. However, when Smitty learned that her dad was going home sick and her mother would be driving, she secretly wanted me to escort her to the hospital. 

After much moaning and vomiting, the people at the ER finally got enough drugs in Smitty's system that she could talk in complete sentences instead of exasperated groans.  (Probably some of the exasperated groans was the fact that the ER asks the same questions over and over and over and over.) A CT scan soon revealed that poor Smitty had a kidney infection and some stones in her kidney's.  Smitty was given more drugs in the IV, meds for home, was told to drink a lot, and to rest. 

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