Saturday, October 5, 2013

ECU Homecoming Parade

Smitty would like to blame Andrea and Kai for today's little pre-parade episode.  It seems that they have jinxed us by their little comment (Andrea) and prayer (Kai) in regards to how fun it would be to march in the rain.  I think that we just might have rain for every outdoor event this year.  Thanks. Thanks alot. I'm now really looking forward to the Hamburger Fry Concert next week.

Today started out like any normal Saturday morning with a band event.  I sat two alarms (which I only do on band contest/concert days--or when I have an early flight to catch).  The first alarm wakes Perry and I up at 8:55 am.  Hey, we were sleepy because we couldn't fall asleep until about 2am.  I decided this would be a good morning for a warm bowl of steel cut oatmeal with butter and brown sugar.  As I began preparations for my breakfast, my second alarm went off. Perry reminded me that I always forget about the second alarm. I reminded him that's because I only set two alarms about 5 times a year.

At 10am we leave the house for the Byng Band room. Why, you ask, when our meeting place is in Ada? Because just as expected four people did not follow directions and get their instruments and uniform parts.  I later learn that the number is actually six because two others didn't have hats.  I planned ahead and had a few extra in my car.  I know how you people operate. While I'm waiting around for kids to show, I decided to check the radar for fun.  (I have a secret obsession with meteorology and often kick myself for not going in that field. However, I probably would have had to have gone to OU and we all know that would never happen. So band directing school it was.)

I got a good look at radar.  Everything was east of us and moving north east.  It was going to be a dry day!

And then....

Five minutes later it starts pouring outside!  Calls from Byng and Francis parents start pouring in.  Is the parade on? Do we still go to Ada? Are we marching today?  I check the radar again.  A random little storm had popped up over Byng.  However, I assure all the calls that it is moving northeast--away from Ada.  In fact, it wasn't even raining in Ada.  I start to leave, but the gutter starts flooding and the hail starts falling, so I decide to wait it out a bit.

Eventually, all dries up and I make my way to Ada. I was quite relieved that I didn't hit crazy traffic, road blocks, and found an easy parking spot in front of Ada Music Center!  The band begins to gather with a few little comments about the cold.  The ECU International Student Association gives us donuts and we LOVE them for it!  A few kids ask if I think it will rain. I assure them that all will be dry because the radar shows everything to be east of us and moving east!  It was going to be a great parade!


Out of no where...



The skies open and I yell run!

We all found a night little....LITTLE...awning across the road where we keep from getting struck by lightening.  And there we huddled.  I expressed my love for the band in case we were to die and apologized for all the times I yelled at them.  I, of course, immediately took back the yelling apology because I wasn't really sorry for that.  While we were gathered and huddled the drum major arrived bringing my first pumpkin spice latte of the year. She is immediately forgiven for being late. (Note to band: I can be bribed with food, drinks, money, and nice gifts.)

Eventually, the bank across the road opened a covered parking garage where we could spread out and dry off.    We finished preparing for the parade, played a warm-up, did some tuning, got yelled at by the cave man, and decided it was time to brave the mist outside.

To end a really long blog, the parade kicked off almost on time.  The band looked and sounded quite possibly the best we have ever looked or sounded in a parade!

And now, I'm in my warm cozy house trying to decide whether to brave the "cold' and head out to the ECU Football Game to watch all my former students as promised. But I can hear thunder and my not-so-trusty-radar shows rain headed our way.

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