Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Today, Perry played tour guide as we drove around the island. The new pastor (Larry and wife Elaine) had never had a proper tour around Guam.  And who better to give a tour than a Platypus!

I know that before I left, I shared that you'd probably have a new band director since the North Koreans were likely to nuke me with all their silly threats from the spring. Have no fear, Perry and I found a shelter!

The picture of Perry sitting in the dark tunnel are a series of tunnels the Japanese carved out of mountain from WWII.  I decided if I indeed needed to seek shelter, I would go here.  As long as I had a flashlight, of course!  Perry and I discovered this set of tunnels together for the first time today.  We are anxious to go back exploring with the proper lighting. 

One of the highlights of today's Memorial Day Drive was seeing the following in memory of the American Soldiers and Chamorro citizens who lost their lives between 1941-1944.  These pictures were taken at the War in the Pacific National Historical Park

Perry's tour duties didn't stop here, but it is past my bedtime and Perry refuses to type--something about it is too hard to type when you only have four fingers instead of five.  Stay tuned to see Perry get shot out of cannon and riding a carabao!

1 comment:

  1. Tunnels you never found before? Sounds awesome! Have fun!
