Monday, May 27, 2013

Perry's Journey as Tour Guide Continues

As Perry continued his journey around the island, he stopped at Latte Stone Park and the Spanish Plaza.  However, the Spanish Plaza is under renovation, so he only was able to show the giant stones across the way.  Latte stones are the giant rocks you see behind Perry and Smitty.  These were used during ancient Chamorro times as the base for their homes.  (Chamorro's are the native people of the Mariana Islands in case you are a new reader.)

Perry decided that the adventure was getting boring, and so he wanted to have some real fun.  By 'real fun' Perry wanted to be shot out of a cannon.  I was totally against this idea, but when Perry gets that daring adventurous look in his eyes, there is no stopping him!  So we headed down South to Fort Soledad for a cannon shoot out.
And if head first isn't daring enough--let's go tail first!
Perry really wanted me to be flung from the cannon, but I'm not that crazy.  So we just rode the old piece of artillery.

Now it is official, most of the island of Guam now think I'm insane.  However, if you haven't rode a cannon with a platypus, you are seriously missing out!

Perry and Smitty are off to Chuuk tomorrow....maybe.  It is all dependent on how many people do not show up for a seat that opens one for me.  I just hope that if I do make it on that plane, my luggage makes it with me this year! 

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