Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Saipan Ministry

 Mostly, I post of my adventures....beaches, bombs, and bands.  But I really do go to the islands for ministry purposes.  

This summer, I was able to spend a month in Saipan and covered five of the Sundays the pastor was gone.  In all these years, the Saipan Naz church didn't have a building until a few months ago.  It's a really great place for church, youth events, and even to host visitors! 

Honora (the lady in this picture) has been a part of the church since the very beginning. She has such a beautiful spirit. I adore her!  (Her sister and late sister are a part of the Guam church.)  It has been a blessing to watch her kids and now grandkids grow up. 

I met Kathy for the first time last year, but she is a hoot!  We would definitely be good friends if I lived closer. :)

In addition to preaching/leading music for five weeks, I also held a weekly kids/teen club day.  We went to he movies, had a Bible story, played games, made crafts, ate food.  It was so much fun! 

I had a really great time in Saipan.  So grateful for the chance to go and stay a while.

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