Thursday, June 12, 2014


I'm beat.  I feel like I have been preparing for the band trip all over I'm really just preparing for my churches youth retreat this weekend which is about 75 fewer people.  In the last 4 days I have written 3 youth sermons along with their corresponding powerpoints, video segments, and small group worksheets.  I also prepared six devotionals for our quiet times at the retreat.  Then I had to make all the copies and stuff the folders.  Eventually it dawned on me that I needed a Father's Day sermon for Sunday so I wrote that today...I'm sure my dad will appreciate the pictures I have put of him in the PowerPoint! (Here's an example. He's lucky that all my really good pics are on my computer at home!)

Basically, I put the above paragraph in so that you don't think I just sit on the beach all day.  (Speaking of beaches, I just read an article regarding the radiation in the water from the Japan tsunami a few years back--maybe I'm going to just skip the ocean for the next 10 years and swim in hotel pools instead.)  

But to Susan who fears I may not spending enough playing and too much time's a bit of island beauty for you....

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