Saturday, June 13, 2015

Catch the Wave--Day 2

The second day of the youth retreat was tons of fun.  Of course, any time “s’mores” is on the agenda there is no choice but to have fun!  We had traditional island fare—hotdogs.  I am pretty certain if I was to google who eats the most hotdogs in the world, the answer would be those residing in the Mariana Islands.  

The next pictures is one of the most baffling of all.  My youth group enjoy taking a bun and putting chocolate and marshmallows inside.  Or sometimes, they take the actual hotdog and melt the chocolate on it.  I thought they were the only freaks of nature, but apparently, this tradition is also in the Guam youth group. You can say "Maybe it's you, Laura."  It is not me because I have never put marshmallows or chocolate in my hotdog bun.  Gross.  

We had a guest speaker come out and speak on this evening.  He is a youth pastor here in Guam (originally from NY), and was swept out to sea when a wave crashed on a cliff where he was sitting and knocked him off.  He spent 1 1/2 hours bobbing in the ocean (with no floatation device) until the rescue helicopter found him. He had been hiking with two boys from his youth group. They had to run 45 minutes through the jungle (took longer because they got lost) until they could reach an area with cell signal to call 911.  The helicopter didn't see him on the first two passes.  On the third pass, he used the little strength left in him to wave his swim trunks and shirt in the air. (Side note: he is the first person that has been swept out to sea in that area to ever be rescued alive.)
Our theme this night was Catch the Wave of Value.  Do you think God values you enough to save you?  (Guess what? He already has! We just have to accept that salvation.)

Where's Perry you ask? Platynapped.  Maya took him.  First, he told me Perry was on a mission. Then...he told me Perry wanted a vacation from me.  Sigh.

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