Saturday, June 2, 2018


I hate to fly.
And Micronesia is so far. 
And there are so many flights. 
I just always tell myself my love for being there is greater than my fear of the flight.  Since I'm going to Pohnpei and Chuuk again this year, it only made sense to fly on the island hopper (which I hate even more).

(Note: for those of you unfamiliar with Micronesia air travel, there is a "special" flight called the "island hopper."  It goes between Guam and Honolulu and stops at all of the little islands in between.  Some days it stops on more than others. I get to skip one island on my hop.)

So for those of you following my journey, here is my scheduled until I touch down in Pohnpei.

6:05am, June 2--depart Tulsa for Denver (Why do they make flights at this time?  There should be no flights before 8am)
Sit in Denver for almost five hours
Fly to Honolulu
Sit in Honolulu for 17 hours
Fly to Majuro
Fly to Kosrae
2:19pm, June 4 Arrive in Pohnpei

40 hours 14min (but if you factor in when I left for the aiport, that makes it 42 hours 14 minutes).  What a journey.  All for a gal who hates to fly.

(By the way, on June 7, I hop back on the island hopper to get to Chuuk. It's the next island.)
(...and on June 11, I hope back on the island hopper, again, to get to Guam.)

As for my summer schedule:
June 4-7: Pohnpei

  • June 4-5, Youth retreat
  • June 6-7, Children's VBS

June 7-11: Chuuk

  • June 8, Church Fellowship
  • June 9, Ladies Retreat
  • June 10, I preach followed by children's activities

June 11: Sleep in Guam.

  • Do 10 days of laundry

June 12-20: Saipan

  • June 12-15 my vacation! (spa, PIC, massage, pedicure, Thai House, more spa, lots more Thai House, smoothies, Troungs, more spa, more Thai House.)
  • June 16, Ladies Retreat
  • June 17-18, youth retreat

June 20-?: Guam

  • June 20-21, frantically decorate for VBS
  • June 22-24, youth retreat
  • June 25-29, VBS
  • July 1, VBS Program
  • June 2-6, Vacation #2.  
  • July 7, Ladies Retreat

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