Wednesday, June 12, 2013

VBS Story

We have two new kids coming to VBS this week. Their father (Joe) is a church member's (Agnes) boss and she invited them.  On Tuesday morning Joe asks Agnes why they were always doing --insert someone making flying motions.--  She explained that those were the motions to the songs.  This morning he comes to work and says that they kids were already dressed and waiting at the door when he got up. He asked them why they were up so early and they said they were ready for VBS. He had to share the bad news that VBS wasn't until tonight.  His daughter said, "But dad, why can't it be all day?"  (Because Pastor Laura can't do that many motions to that many songs for that many hours--that's why!)  Tonight, as the boy was getting in their vehicle he said, "Dad, no matter what people do to you, trust God!"   At least somebody is listening!

And to any of you graduates out there (or almost graduates), here's a story for you.  One of my church girls graduated HS yesterday. She went through the graduation affairs, you know, Pop and Circus Pants followed by receiving leis with candy and money--just like all of you have done...errr...

Okay, so maybe our traditions are a little different.  This morning (keep in mind she graduated yesterday), her mom wakes her up early and says, "Come's time to look for a job!"  Now that is funny.  Tiara (the girl in the picture) told me, "Miss, I didn't even get to sleep late." Then while she was out getting applications, they had a flat. Her mom said, "Even though you graduated, you don't stop learning. Time for you to learn how to change this tire."  Ahhh, the joys of growing up. :(

On another random note. If you look closely at the top right-hand corner of the pic, there is a two story building that is cut off. I lived in the bottom left apartment during my Guahan days.

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