Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Little Bit of Ministry

There are a couple of blog followers who believe that I'm out here for a greater mission than entertaining the coolest Platypus on the planet (okay....when I say a couple of followers, I mean my mom...and my cousin, Kent! Now that I think about it, they might be the only two people in the world that actually read my blog).  I probably should post that I'm really doing some for the Kingdom and not going to the beach all the time. :)

Since I didn't go to the FSM, I decided that perhaps God had a purpose for me for a longer stay in Guam.  I have had the opportunity to participate in ministry that I wouldn't other wise have been a part of.  I took up teens and children's church just like I never left.  I been working this week to reconnect to teens and other people who use to attend the church, but have left over the year, but haven't gone to another church.  Therefore, friendship evangelism is one of my primary focuses at the moment.  I also plan to have the best VBS set that the Guam First Church of the Nazarene has ever seen! (However, part of the decoration planning was trying to figure out how to steal an airplane today--perhaps I need to scale back a bit my decorating scheme.)

Last night the teens had a meeting. We had a great group of 17 total people!  If you followed my former blog back in the day, I started in Guam with four people at teen meeting--on the good days.  I marvel at how the group has grown--not just numerically but spiritually as well.  From the teen group we have the worship leader, two guitar players, a drummer, a children's Sunday school teacher, and a kinder-church leader. But though the group has grown, many have slipped away as well.  I am hoping to connect with them over the next few weeks.  Last night at our meeting, we ate (what teen function doesn't have food???), had a scavenger hunt--in the dark--and watched the film The Butterfly Circus followed by a time of devotion.

If you have never seen The Butterfly Circus it stars Nick Vujicic.  It is the winner of several awards and has a powerful message.  You can watch the 20 minute film on You Tube and several other sites as well.  I highly recommend that if you find yourself with a few extra moments that you watch this film!

Today I got to do Children's Church.  So many little brothers and sisters of the kids I use to teach in children's church.  We had 24 kids today (and another 11 in kinder church).

This week I'll be decorating for VBS, meeting with some of my friends, attending lots of HS graduations (*moan*--they will be hot and LONG), and working on my dissertation.  Yuck.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome and busy. hope you manage some rest in there!
