Sunday, June 23, 2024

Guam Catch the Wave: Day 2

 If you're reading this without having read Day 1, go back!  It explains everything.

So having slept a new record for a lock-in (according to my Fitbit), I was ready (well, not exactly) to cease the day!  I figured I needed to start cooking the kids breakfast.  But to my surprise and very full heart, we had kids already flipping pancakes and scrambling eggs!  (And it was good too!!!)

After breakfast, we had our final session.  (I'm glad we did three on the first day because we were SLEEPY!)

With our session wrapped up, we headed out for some fun activities to take the place our our missed stay at PIC.  We decided on Inarajan Pools and Jeff's Pirate Cove (argh!)

Inarajan is village in south Guam. They have this really amazing natural swimming pool created from lava rock, the reef, and water that flows through and over the rocks.  The kids loved it as we could swim, snorkel, and jump from the platform.  Perry loved it too! :)

At about 3pm, the pancakes and eggs wore off.  So, we decided to go to Jeff's Pirate Cove (argh!). Jeff's is really cool restaurant on the beach in south Guam. It is reportedly where pirates used to come to shore and it's where Sergeant Yokoi (Japanese Army) was found and captured in 1972 after hiding in the jungles of Guam for 28 years after the war! After the war, the US Military had used this cove as a rehab center with a beer garden, lodging, horseshoe pits, and a fried chicken shack.  (We need more fried chicken shacks.) This was all destroyed by a typhoon in 1949. 

So who is Jeff? He lived in Guam for a while as a kid.  After getting a degree in Hotel Restuarant Management, and not loving business on the mainland, he came back to Guam where he had a series of jobs until he bought the Pirate Cove. Jeff is a super generous guy.  He saw our group, and probably since it was full of Micronesians, he probably assumed many had never been there before. So he gave us all bandanas and took a picture with us!

While we were there, we toured the museum...

Visited the bunker

Played and/or cheered on some games...

And enjoyed a photoshoot

I think year 17 of Catch the Wave was pretty amazing, despite the fact it was totally made up as we went.  (Except the lessons. I did actually prepare those.  But I had to make up some games as we went. ha ha)


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