Tuesday, June 25, 2024

When Life Gives You Lemons Guam Ladies Retreat

I got off on my ladies retreats, so Guam did something totally different than Saipan.  It was a lemon theme: When Life Gives You Lemons....

What a fun turnout of some really amazing ladies on a very busy weekend for many.  The day consisted of six sessions. We sang, played games, had Bible study, shared in small groups, and ate lots of yummy food (some lemon and some not).  

We also had some lemony prayer stations...

And because God makes all things new, we took an old t-shirt and created scarves (or headbands).

It was a really great day for me.  I needed the retreat.  And the best part...I got my hair braided when it was over. :) (And discovered my new favorite gummy.)

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