Friday, June 14, 2024

Planes and Beaches

It had been a boring couple of days, so I hadn't checked in.  Between the next two Sundays, I need two sermons, four youth sermons with corresponding games and worksheets, and a full day ladies retreat written.  I hadn't written any of it (and my ladies retreat will be a little different than the others which were already scripted...mostly), so I pretty much have been writing nonstop for the last couple of days. (I did a couple of exercise classes and got a massage, so I wasn't totally locked in the sauna [aka house]).

Since my friend who used to live here only has a couple of days left, we went beach hopping this afternoon.  Our first stop was Ladder Beach.  I'm not sure I had been to Ladder Beach in twenty plus years.  The road is crummy, and you really need an SUV to get down it. But since I have an SUV this time, might as well take advantage!  ;) As you can see...gorgeous

It's called Ladder Beach because you used to take a ladder to get down to the beach, but now there are nice steps to get you there. Way easier!

After a little while, we decided to go to a calm beach with shade.  As we drove by the airport, we noticed a random Air Force plane just hanging out.  It was very big.

Thankfully, I'm on a small island and no one came out and arrested me for pulling over and taking a picture of an Air Force plane.  

We eventually found our way to Pau Pau Beach. Also beautiful.

While we were floating in the water, a bunch of jets flew over in formation.  Tomorrow is the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Saipan.  There will be several military dignitaries here (hence the Air Force plane) and a fly by is scheduled.  I had thought about going down to see the fly by, but since I saw the practice run, who knows. 

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