Thursday, June 6, 2024

Just Gotta Stay Awake: Troungs & Oka Point

I have one day in Guam to unpack then repack and stay awake!  (The unpack part was getting rid of VBS stuff and Guam ladies retreat things that were in my suitcase. The repack part is from the things I stored in my dresser here from last year that need to go to Saipan.)  

The unpacking/repacking happened relatively quickly. (It's amazing what you get accomplished when you get up at 5:45am. Ugh).  Then came the difficult part: staying awake until bed time.

I had made lunch plans with my friend Ezekiel. He and I needed to plan Guam Catch the Wave (the youth retreat).  I figured I could get him to plan with me if I bribed him with lunch. (Selfishly, I just wanted Troungs).  I probably post a picture of this every single year, but it's so good.

Guam restaurant win today:  I am frequently recognized in some of my favorite places in Saipan. However, Guam is big.  Lots of people come through here.  But today when I walked in to Troungs, the lady said, "I haven't seen you in a long time."  I was remembered! 

After some time planning the youth retreat and answer some other ministry questions from Zeek, he made it his mission to keep me awake.  At first, he was just showing me the new location of his family's bakery (yes, I bought a coconut turnover...and an apple one...).  After he heard I had never been to Oka Point in all my Guam years, he took me on a beautiful adventure!

 Then we went to another section of the Oka Point view.  Apparently, this used to be a grand place for weddings! He pulled up a picture from the 80s.  Wow.  How could they let this go? 

And then....the hike to the bottom...

But totally worth it....

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