Sunday, June 9, 2024


 Oh, how Perry and I love when we touchdown in Saipan.  You can see Mt Tapochau as you come in for that final approach.  Then the airport says "Welcome to Saipan."  Not a lot has changed over the last 21 years of Saipan landings.   

Helen Ann picked us up.  When I bid the island farewell in 2023, I never thought I would see Helen Ann again on the island. (I see her in Oklahoma.)  But she is here for a visit, so it's just like old times.  Our day was full of unexpected adventures.  We joined up with her daughter ('Our' Laura) and went exploring.

You see, Saipan has a new road.  Everyone is talking about it. It's not finished, but they opened a good size stretch of it.  Because of this road, new beaches were discovered!

We had a to do a tad bit of off-roading since the road isn't totally finished.  But 'Our' Laura was driving, so I didn't worry about it.  We also stopped in a Kalabera Cave for a quick view...

And of course, I needed a picture by the Saipan sign now that it's painted orange..

Finally, we made it back to the other side of the island where I needed to start decorating for the ladies retreat.  

I have to say, jet lag isn't even an option as everyone has kept me so busy touring.  (I don't think I have ever just toured on my first days. I kind of like it.)

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