Tuesday, June 11, 2019


It's VBS week in Guam.  I've been a little discouraged because there hasn't been many kids. (However, there currently isn't a pastor and several families are off island, so it was expected.)  Tonight I the "a-ha" moment that perhaps this year's VBS may not be for the kids.  It may be for the teens.

The teens haven't really had any consistent leadership for years.  It really breaks my heart.  There are so many of them, and they are awesome.  I just wish they had a youth leader!  We had 16 at the teen retreat, and I think we've had 18 or more at VBS.  They lead the games, take the kids from place to place, help set up tables, pray before their group's meals or classes, sing the songs, dance the dances.  They have always been involved, but with so many adults gone, they are super involved this year.

And unlike a lot of teens that I see back in the states, these guys aren't embarrassed to jump in, be silly, and even SING.  Because we don't have a billion kids, every session has one break period.  I walked in on these guys during their break to find them singing.  (Skip ahead to about 25 seconds, because someone walked in at the beginning of this video and distracted them.)

They also asked me to play one of the VBS songs. They've been making up dances (or taking the dances that go with the video and making them better.)  Oh to teach music with these guys!  My 4th grade boys are usually okay, but by 5th grade, they are just "too cool" to sing much less dance! Grrrr.

And I will leave you with a few pics of them singing.

Oh! In case you were wondering what Perry was doing...just hanging out on a submarine listening to the boys sing. (Our theme is Deep Sea Adventure.)

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