Sunday, March 12, 2023

Vacation/Family Beach Day

When I left, I had gone "90 to nothing" for days. (I just looked up this phrase.  I use it regularly. Apparently it is a southern phrase. Maybe I shouldn't use it on the islands.)  Anyway, I had District Solo & Ensemble contest, District Band Contest, Chamber Recital (plus throw in a ladies retreat mom and I led at her church and one of my crafting days along with regular school and church obligations).  I was tired.  So what does one do when they're tired? Book an 8000 mile trip to go "90 to nothing" a little while longer.  I landed in Guam at 7:30pm (ish) and started working the next morning at 5am.  And I kept going with activities/planning for six days straight.  Hey--it certainly helps jetlag be non-existent! (Good thing when I get home, I go back to school the very next day.  Maybe that will help with jetlag too!) 

I decided that I would take Friday and Saturday as vacation.  Family Beach Day for my church was already planned for Saturday, so they built in some vacation and fellowship for me.  On Friday, my plan was to go get a pedicure, get my second favorite lunch buffet (favorite no longer exists), go to the water park and spend the day in the lazy river, have smoothies on the beach for happy hour, and close with a massage. 

Well....I made pedicure and buffet. (Barely).  I hadn't felt perky and was getting a cold.  Stuffy nose, sore throat, ear ache, teeth I had taken Alka Seltzer cold meds on the afternoon and evening before and then again that morning. However, I could not wake up on Friday.  I even looked in the trash to see if I had accidentally take the night time again. (I hadn't.)  So instead of the water park, I came home and slept. FOR THREE HOURS.  I'm not a nap taker, and never a three hour nap taker.  But I felt a little better and managed to make happy hour, as you can see. 

By Family Beach Day I was much perkier and enjoyed getting fried...I mean a day at Pau Pau Beach.  (I did sunblock THREE times, so I was only a little fried and I spent the last hour in the shade...and ate lunch in the shade. Speaking of lunch, I tried some O-Pusit aka squid chips.  They were actually pretty good.)  I got to do a lot of snorkeling and saw all the main island fish and starfish, so I was happy.  

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