Sunday, March 5, 2023

Why am I here?

I know what you're thinking....why is Laura and Perry on the islands in the middle of the school year? So.....

The Church of the Nazarene has annual meetings each year for each District.  When I lived on the islands regularly, I attended for 4 years.  Then for the last few years, I have attended again--via Zoom.  Even on the years I didn't attend, I was still required to give a report which someone else has to present.

There are several reasons why I wanted to come this year. But in the end, I was asked to fill a need at assembly...AND...I got a half-off miles special on Cyber Monday. :)  So Perry and I have a very full schedule of church activities, beach, and I will be working with two bands on Saipan!

I got off the plane at 7pm on Friday.  I went to work at 5am on Saturday morning.  My role for District Assembly was to be the District Secretary. So not only did I have to go to meetings--I had to pay attention! After a couple hours of preparation, I joined the group at 8am for breakfast. THERE WAS SPAM FRIED RICE! I was so happy. :)  We kicked off with meetings, worship, and workshops at 9am and I ended at 9pm.  (These meetings went until 3:30pm. Then I had a youth event that started at 4:30pm.)

In the end, I remained awake and alert.  Every time I was asked to read back a motion with amendments, I could do so.  (However, in a few days when I go back to the minutes, they may all be in Pig Latin!)

Note: There is a really good group picture of those attending the meetings that I don't yet have. When I get it, I will be posting as well. 

(PS. Perry did not attend the meetings. He got to sleep in all day.  Lazy bum.) 

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